Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Happy Halloween!!

  Happy Halloween everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didnt exactly know what to write for today I just knew I wanted to write something so I decided just to Say thank you for everyone who has been checking out my blog and please please please keep on checking it regulary because I post all the time!! Heres a pretty picture of my cat for Halloween!! And thank you everyone!!! :) Have a great day.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

DIY Cute Fall And Winter Hair

   I love doing my hair every morning but I dont like to soend more than 10 minutes on my hair so I went to pintrest to find some cute hair styles that would be perfect for fall and winter. I hope you enjoy this collection of hairstyles that I found and find them usefull!

  All of these hair styles and tutorials can be found on pintrest I would highly recomend to look on pintrest for find hair styles.

No copywright is intended and full credit goes to pintrest and the owner of the photos

Thank You <3

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Winter Outfit Tips

   Outfits can be difficult in winter cause you want to stay warm and fashionable which can be hard to juggle so here are a few tips to increase your outfits fashionably.

1) Layers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lots and lots of layers, Undershirts even though they look thin they really help keep in body heat. Great outfit idea: Tan tanktop, Grey V neck and a flannel shirt on top, Cute and styley.

2) BEANIES!! I feel like beanies are really in this year. but not compleatly on your head a little bit saggy at the top.

3) High Boots and High socks = Warmth.

I hope you enjoy a few of these tips and you use them to help  you with some outfit choices!!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Writing schedule

I just started this blog and I would like to start a schedule once a week I will post a long blog post and then a few times through out the week some short blog posts including photos, DIY, beauty tips and ect... Please continue to read my blog it would mean so much to me as a just starting out blogger!! I hope you enjoy my posts and keep on reading!!

November Photo Challenge

I haven't ever done one of these challenges but I know that a lot of people do the photo challenges on onstagram and tumblr so I thought well heck might as well make one. So this is my version of the 2013 November photo challenge!! Use #urbanblog123challenge and I will post my favorite photos on the blog!! 

1. Memory
2. Family 
3. Makeup
4. Forgiveness 
5. Life through your eyes 
6. Inspiration 
7. Fall 
8. Book
9. Relaxing
10. Pet
11. Art
12. Sparkles
13. Mystery 
14. Coffee
15. Water 
16. Eyes 
17. Anything you want :)
18. Turkey
19. Beauty
20. Warm 
21. Festive
22. Excitement
23. Tv
24. Cranberries
25. Gathering
26. Out my window 
27. Frost 
28. Thanksgiving 
29. Leftovers
30. what you most look forward to in December

If anyone says the same things it is completely accidental. I don't know who made the photo challenge (idea) but all credit goes to you! Just have fun with this, let go and go on an adventure with your camera!!
No copywrite is ever intended in any of my blog posts. 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Is Cheap Makeup Better?

Instead of spending hundreds on makeup when you could spend less then 10 dollars on a product that could work a lot better let me give you a few examples.

Makeup Items that are okay to purchase cheaply
 ~ Mascara, most mascaras are cheap in general so it is normal to find cheap mascara.
 ~ Blush, Covergirl is a really good and not super expensive.
 ~ Brush's Eco tool has bamboo brushes that come in packs that aren't expensive and good for the enviorment.

 Any eye makeup is iffy as it could cause eye irratation so be careful when you choose your product!

DIY Hot Apple Cider

Every fall I look forward to getting local apple cider wether it's from the farmers market or at a local store. I created this hot apple cider recipe this year and thought that I should share it with you guys!

The Ingrediants!!!
~ 1 cinnamon stick
~ Apple Cider (6 cups)
~ a pot for the Apple cider to get heated up in 
~ 1 teaspoon cloves (ground) (McCormick)
~ 1 teaspoon pumpkin spice (McCormick)

Turn stovetop to 6 and set the pot on top of it.

Add cinnamon stick, ground cloves and pumpkin spice to the Pot 
Add 6 cups of apple cider to the pot and let it reach boiling. The reason you let it boil is so the cinnamon realeases more flavor into the cider! 
 This is enough apple cider for two people and is delicious! I hope you enjoy this recipe and share it with others! 

Simple Halloween decorating #1

Last weekend I went to cost plus (world market) and picked up a few things including a Halloween little cup so to get in a festive spirit I decided to put it use, here's what I did!
You wil need the cup, your brushes and tweezers if you have any.

Put the tweezers on the side between the two haunted houses or If you get another cup in between the designs.

Add the brushes and wala! All you have to do is put it in place! Any easy project that brings out the Halloween in any room!