Thursday, July 31, 2014

How to naturally get rid of scars using Aloe

Hi guys!


~ Sorry I haven’t posted in a while. Things have been hectic and I haven’t had that much motivation to write anything. ~


         Okay so I decided to write a post about something that affects me on an everyday basis. The scars on my legs….. Before you make any assumptions I don’t pick my legs and I don’t do any drugs. My legs are very sensitive and break out in what looks like body acne and sometimes little red dots that itch bad.  I have to shave every day because the hair on my legs grow back fast and the dots come back fast with the hair. I believe that I have ingrown hairs and just tend to get a lot of it. Well anyways my skin scars fast and sometimes if I don’t even touch the dots or shave over them they turn into scars. My legs over the year have become what looks like a drug addict’s leg. Exaggeration a little but that’s the best way to describe it. People look at my legs and I imagine they think the worst about them because I know if I saw my legs as someone else I would think something as well.

                Today I decided to try to get the scars to fade and disappear as much as I can. This morning I looked up “Natural ways to get rid of scars” and came across Aloe Vera Gel. I use Aloe when I get sunburnt and as a moisturizer so I had some in the house. (You can find Aloe at any natural health store or you can even harvest it from the plant)   I put enough Aloe in a bowl to coat my legs, rubbing it in. I then went back and coated where I had scars and rubbed it into the scars. I read that Aloe will decrease the size and appearance of scars so I’m hoping it works.

                Think of this as an experiment. As the weeks or even days go by I will try to keep you updated on the progress and tell you what I think works best in case you have a pesky scar that you want to get rid of. If these posts aren’t what interest’s you, don’t worry because in the next few weeks I have some cool other posts that you should look forward to.



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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Best Way To Cover Up Acne

  More and more I have struggled with the fact while applying my makeup that it is hard to cover up acne. 10 experiments later I have found out what works the best in acne coverage! Remember there is no way to make acne totally disappear among your skin but you can try to make it blend in as much as possible!

Step 1:
Wash your face with a gentle soap (Cera Ve or Cetaphil) apply any acne medicine you use and then moisturize your face with an oil control moisturizer that has SPF.

Step 2:
Put on primer and grab a cotton ball. With the cotton ball put a little foundation on it and dab it on your acne.

Step 3:
Let the foundation sit for a minute or two and with a brush add powder to set the makeup. Once its set and covered mostly, apply foundation to your whole face lightly going over your acne again. Put on powder once again and your all the done!
  I know a lot of people struggle with acne and I feel this method is great! I hope it works for you!


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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Revelons make your own eye shadow palettes

Yesterday while I was watching My new Favorite show (The Carrie diaries) I Saw an ad of what I think Is going to be the next big thing. The product is the Revelon Color Stay Shadowlinks(TM) this product is  individual eye shadows that links with Other eye shadow to form a palette you can mix and match any colors and creatively form a palette (its actually not complicated but I didn't know how to describe it) . I think this is so innovative and creative!! The fact that you can make your perfect palette for whatever occasion is so intriguing and perfect!

Here is an example photo I got off their website (link below)

Keep an eye out at stores because I think this is going to be amazing and very popular! I want to make it clear that I don't own any rights to this product and all rights go to the company and its creators! This is not a sponsored post (if any one wants to sponsor and send me new products to review email me!)  This is simply a post about this upcoming product.

More about the product:

My last post:

My DIY blog:

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Friday, February 14, 2014

My Diy Blog

Today I decided that I should prioritize different blog posts, This blog was meant for fashion and beauty which has been put to the side for all different kinds of posts. In order to organize my blog I decided to create another bog completely and entirely dedicated to DIY's. So now I guess I have another blog! :)! All the links are below!

Check out my DIY blog here:
Follow the blog for notifications and follow this one as well (if you like!)

My latest post:

Thank you and enjoy! <3

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Monday, February 10, 2014

Dont's for a valentines date

   This week on Friday its valentines day!!! So in "honor" of all the dates happen I decided to do a don't list. I hope you enjoy!

The Don't do at dates list!

1~  DON'T try any new makeup!! I personally have to do a few day trial. I try to do it on the weekend so if  my skin reacts weird with the new makeup then I know and don't wear it out!! It would be super embarrassing finding out your allergic to some makeup on the one day where you really want to look super lovely and gorgeous. Stick with the products you know and use!

2~ If you go to dinner don't get something that is going to get stuck in your teeth, make your breath stink etc. cause that's just awkward. Stick to foods that you are comfortable eating because trying something new could be very awkward especially if its super out there like frog legs, you don't want to accidently barf on your date. ):. Lets just establish salad greens and corn should be avoided on your date. Stick to food you know and food that doesn't get stuck in your teeth.

3~ Be aware on how much money your date is willing to spend. Don't get the most expensive thing on the menu settle for something in between it shows that you care , it doesn't seem like it but its a super cute gesture (if your date catches on)

4~ Don't nag for flowers and chocolate its okay to simply hint but let them surprise you!! Small surprises are always the best!!!

I hope you enjoyed some of these tips!!!!! HAVE A GREAT VALENTINES DAY!! <3

Here's a cute vintage valentine I found on Tumblr!!!

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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Upcoming Blog posts

I realized today I haven't written anything for a couple of weeks (sorry!!)  and I decided to take care of it. Here are some upcoming blog posts that you should look forward to! :)

1- Valentines day/ date do and don'ts ( hoping to post on Tuesday or Monday this week.)
2- 10 dollar haul (I'm super excited to do this! I will be taking lots of photos for you guys!)
3- Spring trends/maybe a spring haul?
4- Lets throw in a DIY? yes!! (haven't decided what I'm going to do yet but I think it will be pretty cool)
5- Photo book! I don't know which month my photo book will be in but I think it will be the beginning of spring because I just love spring!

I of course will be posting little small posts and photos over the next few months but these are just a few posts that you can stay tuned for! I hope I can do all of these ideas and will try my best!

*Raises fake glass with some sort of drink* CHEERS TO THE UPCOMING MONTHS!!

(No copyright is intended)

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Beauty quotes

When I'm extremely down I look at beauty quotes online that are inspirational and make me feel good about myself as they should. I decided to share some of my favorite beauty quotes that I find inspirational, Amazing and perfect in every way.

I really hope that these pictures brightened your day!
These quotes, edits and pictures aren't from me no copyright is intended.