Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Best Way To Cover Up Acne

  More and more I have struggled with the fact while applying my makeup that it is hard to cover up acne. 10 experiments later I have found out what works the best in acne coverage! Remember there is no way to make acne totally disappear among your skin but you can try to make it blend in as much as possible!

Step 1:
Wash your face with a gentle soap (Cera Ve or Cetaphil) apply any acne medicine you use and then moisturize your face with an oil control moisturizer that has SPF.

Step 2:
Put on primer and grab a cotton ball. With the cotton ball put a little foundation on it and dab it on your acne.

Step 3:
Let the foundation sit for a minute or two and with a brush add powder to set the makeup. Once its set and covered mostly, apply foundation to your whole face lightly going over your acne again. Put on powder once again and your all the done!
  I know a lot of people struggle with acne and I feel this method is great! I hope it works for you!


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